It’s all 2020

I miss writing. I miss traveling. I miss not being tied down to one place.

I normally try to travel out of the country at least once per year (On my little after school coordinator salary that is barely even what I can afford) but last year so many life things happened, I wasn’t able to go anywhere.

I had a beautiful trip planned to Croatia and was weeks away from jet setting off when my precious pup broke herself again. She tore her ACL in her good leg and required surgery, so I had to choose……my vacation or the dog’s leg and well, the dog will ALWAYS win! IMG_20190529_170336_877.jpg

But I can tell you this, although I was not able to fly away to another country last year, I was able to do SO many other things instead.

When I really sit back and think about it, last year was full of adventure. I may not have gone to the airport, gone through agonizing lines of security, gotten full body scans, waited for hours in over crowded airports, sat in the most uncomfortable window seats in economy class and woken up with a stiff neck, jet lagged, gasping for non-recycled air in a foreign country (man I really miss traveling), but I did see things in new places and collected an abundance of memories.

The best thing about these memories is, there are so many that I can’t even really recall which order they go in. There were weddings and bachelorette parties.5oHks2Vh8YKYRvJNN8OZa5mMkZ72L6TTfWFD_mnEtnQ=.jpg

Trips to the river, to the lake.



There were baseball games and aquariums.



Birthday parties and football games.




Rodeos and carnivals. Wine tastings and Shakespeare festivals.20190728_135518.jpg

Food and more food and even more food.




It was a year packed full of new adventures and local travel and sometimes I think those are the best experiences you could really ask for.

In between all these things was actual real life as well. There were new people in my house, rebuilding of friendships, bonds forming with the little ones, and by my side through it all has been my most loyal companion.


The biggest adventure though landed at the end of the year when a new house came into my life. My very own, house with a yard!! My townhouse has definitely served it’s purpose for the past few years but, I don’t like sharing walls, or yards or driveways…… Mostly though, there is a big backyard that is fully fenced in that my pup can run and play in until her little heart can’t stand it anymore. And really that is the most important part of this…..her happiness.

So here’s to 2020, the year of clear sight. The year to not look back but realize you knew it all along. Here is to a fresh and clean start (after I move out of the chaos of boxes I still am surrounded in) and to my 40th year of life!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Debra Lynne Strahan says:

    I am so glad you are able to return writing about your adventures!


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