Always chasing waterfalls

Have you ever seen lightning strike water? Or heard the thunder clap so load it sounds like the roof is falling? Well if you haven’t, I have pictures, and sound bites because the thunderstorm rolling through our first night was a light show like I had never experienced before. After hours of lightning and thunder…

Back to Belize

Just a few months ago I was here. Here in Belize, down in the southern part of the country on a peninsula called Placencia. I was here at this resort, The Belize Ocean Club, sitting on the balcony with my coffee writing my first blog post about being here in Belize. Well today, I am…

Farewell Fry Jacks

The morning is upon us and today is the day we travel home. It is a late checkout and an afternoon flight off the peninsula which leaves us the morning to take our time and have one last meal at the resort and then hop the shuttle to the teeny tiny Placencia airport. After tooling…

You Better Belize It

The phrase seen all over Belize. That and UnBelizeable! I love a good play on words and during the trip there were definitely some unbelizeable moments. Such as watching the sunrise over the ocean at 5:30 in the morning on this morning.       But now it is the last full day of vacation…


I could add a fancy title to try to draw more people in to read this entry, but somehow that feels disrespectful to the history of this place. In deciding to go to Belize, I knew the one thing I definitely wanted to do was explore some Mayan Ruins. Now there are several different sites…

Chasing Waterfalls

Basically TLC was wrong……we should all go chasing waterfalls. Do not stick to what you’re use to. No risk, no reward! Not that this particular chase was risky, I’m just saying! I have seen my fair share of waterfalls. Growing up in an area where it rains……ALL THE TIME…..a waterfall is not a hidden treasure….

Vanilla is not so vanilla

The day is Monday. At least it was Monday that I am writing about. We have been in Belize for a full day and lounged around the resort for the time being, but it was time to get out and see the world…..ok well the country, or at least part of it. We picked up…

Relax and unwind

There’s a quote or meme or whatever you want to call it that says; “Happiness is….waking up on the first morning of a foreign trip and forgetting where you are.” This rings so true for me. After that first day of travel getting to your destination and the sheer exhaustion your body feels, waking up…

Fly, fly away

I’d like to say that yesterday was the first time that I had been on three different flights in one day, but I can’t. I can say that yesterday was the first time that I was about to use the convenient little airplane bag on the first flight. That turbulence was well……turbulent, and I really…

8 days 22 hours

In 8 days and 22 hours 45 minutes and 15….14….13…..12…..well you get it…..seconds, my next adventure begins. My poor little wandering heart has been stuck in one place for far too long. I never considered myself one of those 9 to 5 type of people and well technically I’m still not, since I only work…